Camping Checklist: What You'll Need For A Great Adventure


Sarah Rodgers


July 10, 2024

Prepare for an amazing weekend getaway in the woods. Camping is a fantastic way to explore the outdoors and enjoy summer. The right equipment can transform your trip from good to great. If you're new to camping and unsure what to bring, we've got you covered. Our checklist and tips will ensure you have everything you need and don't forget anything on the way out. This all-inclusive list covers all potential needs, so you can check off items as required.

The inside of a tent looking out onto campground

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, human necessities vary across different levels. We have our physiological needs for shelter, warmth, food, water, and rest. After this is satisfied, we can then focus on safety and well-being. Camping, for some, is a new environment for which they have to begin life from scratch, making sure that these basic necessities are fulfilled. By following Maslow's framework, you can make sure you have a safe and fun experience camping. 



Depending on what kind of camper you are, you may not want to sleep under the stars. In that case, you would want to bring an RV or camper trailer. Below are the most common sleeping options:

  • Camper/RV
  • Tent (poles, ground cover, and tent cover)
  • Hammock
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Air-up mattress

Feel free to mix and match, like putting an air mattress in your tent. Don’t forget the pillows and blankets!


The point of camping is to immerse yourself in nature. Spending a day or two outside might be quite foreign to some, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Make it easy on yourself and bring some or all of the following:

  • Camping chairs
  • Flashlight
  • Lantern
  • Lantern fuel and/or batteries
  • Folding Table and tablecloth


Having a fire is essential to your health and safety, in order to keep yourself warm, and have a way to cook your meals if you don’t have a double burner. To make building a fire easy, bring all or some of the following:

  • Firewood (Depending on where you camp, there may be gatherable firewood)
  • Briquettes
  • Matches
  • Lighter

Eating/Cooking Supplies

This list contains things you may need if you plan to make your food over a campfire, or on a grill.

  • Tin-foil
  • Cooking utensils including spatula, wooden spoon, and tongs
  • Knives
  • Cutting board
  • Dutch oven
  • Frying pan
  • Pot
  • Corkscrew
  • Double burner
  • Mugs
  • Plastic dishware (plates, cups, bowls, forks, spoons, knives)
  • Salt pepper, other spices
  • Roasting sticks
  • Cooler and Ice
  • Water bottles/jugs
  • Again, Water!
hot dogs and smores roasting on a fire

Very Important


What time of year are you going? Rain, snow, and sun require different wardrobes. Do some research about the place you’re planning to camp at. What time of year are you going, and what kind of weather does the site expect when you'll be there? This is a list of the different types of shoes and clothing that you might need throughout the trip. We recommend bringing an outfit per day.

  • Long sleeves and long pants
  • Short sleeves and shorts
  • Warm Pajamas
  • Swimsuit
  • Raincoat and boots
  • Hiking shoes
  • Water shoes
  • Coat and/or jacket
  • Warm gloves
  • Hat

Personal Health, Safety, and Hygiene

This is a list of the most commonly forgotten personal items when going camping. Double-check before your leave because, while they may not be absolutely necessary, they sure make the stay more enjoyable. 

  • Towels
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • First aid kit
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Medicine
  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sunglasses
  • Brush/comb
hygienic items on a counter

Optional But Important

If you’re out in the middle of nowhere, there might not be a bathroom or nearby stream. It’s important to know your campground area, research the land, read reviews, and find out how far away the nearest town is. Then plan accordingly on what you’ll need and what will already be available. 


If you want to sweep out your tent, reuse your cookware, and keep your campground tidy, consider bringing the following:

If you can’t bring enough water to wash your pans with, camp near a stream so you can wash them out and then heat them over the fire to kill bacteria.


You might have to fashion your own toilet, or cut wood for a fire; either way, tools come in handy. In case of emergencies and for normal camping-related tasks, bring these tools specifically: 

  • Duct tape
  • Multipurpose cord
  • Hammer/mallet (for driving in tent stakes)
  • Multi-tool (Leatherman is a good brand)
  • Shovel
  • Ax

Other Items

Fancy camera

Most camping checklists forget this part. Whatever you like to do in nature, whether it's bird watching, taking pictures of flowers, or fishing, bring the gear that allows you to participate in those activities. If you aren’t sure what that might be, take a look at our list below:

  • Camera
  • Bikes
  • Maps
  • Binoculars
  • Instrument (i.e. Ukulele)
  • Fishing gear
  • Playing cards
  • Boats

How much of it should I bring?

Bring as much as you'll use, need, and can fit, depending on your transportation and camping spot. Think critically and use common sense to decide what and how much to pack. For example, if you're camping in the winter, you'll definitely want a hat and gloves. For summer camping, those items are less crucial. Also, consider how much you want to rough it, are you aiming for a more traditional camping experience, or do you prefer ‘glamping’ (glamorous camping)? Your preferences will influence your packing choices.

suitcase full of clothes

If you're new to camping or don’t have most of your supplies, Xtreme Pawn has you covered. At a lower price, you can find everything you need for camping right in our pawn shop, other than the food of course. If you would like to purchase an item from this camping checklist or your interested in finding out what other types of products we sell, you can call us at(801) 876-1379, visit our store, or contact us online.