Types of electronics that we buy and sell
- PS5
- DVD Players
- Computers
- Printers
- And More!
At Xtreme Pawn Shop in Salt Lake City we buy and sell electronics of all sorts. We usually have newer items to choose from, so come on in and check our selection! You can also simply give us a call and we'll talking to you about what item you are looking to buy or sell.
The electronics industry is a billion dollar industry with consumers looking for the latest and greatest equipment. From Switches, Phones, TV's, and so much more. Pawn shops will pay big bucks for new and used electronics across the country. If your trying to find a place to buy near me come check it out.
Before cleaning out your storage unit from 1996 and unloading it in a pawn shop parking lot, it is important to know was has value and what does not. Despite what you may think, VCR's and Pentiums are not valuable antiques. Nearly every house in America had a VCR in the 1980s, and so they do not hold a strong resale value. If you are looking to get the most money for your electronics, ask yourself these five questions:
How Does Your Electronic Look?
Pawn shop owners have seen it all and they can spot the difference between trash and treasure immediately. Always cleaning your electronics before selling them to show off their value and increase the price as much as possible.
Does Your Electronic Work?
Broken electronics are worth next to nothing. Some may be sold for parts, but even the price of the parts is minimal. When you take in your electronics, show off their features, especially if it has a unique capability that is rare or hard to find. Make sure all the ports are working.
Is Your Electronic Set Complete?
A complete electronic bundle should include the original instruction manuals, cables, remotes, and other accessories. If you have the whole package, you may be pleasantly surprised how much cash it may be worth.
Is Your Electronic Current Or Vintage?
Current electronics are hot commodities. Everyone wants the latest Xbox, a reliable laptop, or a flat screen TV. Our electronics experts make the final decision on whether or not they can sell your item, which will determine how much they are willing to pay for it.
How Pawning or Selling your Electronics Works
If you are looking to get cash on the spot for your electronics, Xtreme Pawn is a great option. Pawning or selling your items is simple and fast:
Bring ID: This is a protection measure to be sure we are not buying or selling stolen goods.
Sell: If you are looking to clean out the basement and sell off your unused electronics, pawn shops are the most convenient option. No posting online, no meeting unknown sellers, no shipping hassles. Bring it down and walk away with cash.
Pawn: If you just need to make it to payday, you can pawn your electronics in exchange for an all cash loan. Once you pay back the loan, your TV is all yours.
Pawn shops are a great place to unload your electronics for sell or pawn. Xtreme Pawn is one of the areas top dealers for new and gently used electronics. We offer competitive value and unmatched customer service. We treat each customer with the utmost respect and we understand that every situation is unique. We look forward to seeing what you have to offer and building a lasting relationship with each customer.
If you don't find what you're looking for here that doesn't mean that we don't have or accept it. Call Xtreme Pawn Shop to check to see if we have a certain item or if we can accept your pawn item.